ImmaculateHeartofMaryCatholicPrimarySchoolSefton_News_FeedingthepoorThe Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School school community are featured in the Canterbury-Bankstown Torch newspaper. Led by our Family Educator, Mrs Claude Bourizk, our parents, students and parishioners make 400 sandwiches every month for the St Vincent De Paul night patrol program. Our school has been providing this service for about four years, but this year we have step up our support by joining the night patrol and doing behind the scenes work at Vinnies’ Lewisham depot where they prepare food and pack toiletries and snack packs and perform other jobs in readiness for the trucks to go out at night.

Our Family Educator Claude Bourizk said “We live our faith in action by caring for and nurturing the less fortunate in our society and are happy to do whatever we can. We have a beautiful community and the parents and parishioners are always doing things to help, dropping off cash donations, salad items or bread. We’ve also started a Mini Vinnies program for the students who help us pack items for the night patrol. Our Principal John Kennedy is a great supporter of the initiative and encourages the students to help. We all try to be the face, hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and as he did, we do it with love for the less fortunate in our society.”

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