Our teachers know their students and work with them to help them realise their potential as learners. Our focus on authentic learning and authentic assessment ensures that we challenge our students to grow in their learning and achieve their personal best.

Throughout our community of Sydney Catholic schools, we have shown high performance of our students in measures such as NAPLAN and the HSC.


At Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School Sefton, we acknowledge student achievements with weekly merit awards. Each week one student in each class is selected to receive a merit award to celebrate their achievements in a variety of curriculum areas.

We provide students with rich learning experiences to ensure all students are challenged. Staff use data to ensure they know each students strengths and areas for growth. Maximising learning opportunities to enable growth is at the forefront and drives our teaching programs.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School has continued to show growth, which was evident in our NAPLAN results particularly in Reading and Mathematics.

Assessment is a critical aspect of learning at Immaculate Heart of Mary: it is a key tool in challenging students and measuring their success. Some of the assessments are: NAPLAN, ICAS, PAT (Progressive Achievement Assessment), Year 6 Religious Education Test, and classroom based assessment including clinical interviews, running records and writing analysis.

Here are some of our other recent achievements.

  • Over the years students have received distinctions and high distinctions in the Year 6 Religious Education Test
  • We have had a number of students receive distinctions and high distinctions in the UNSW International Competitions and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) tests in Science, English, Writing, Spelling, Digital Technologies and Mathematics.
  • In 2019, our school performed in Wakakirri, a performance arts event for schools and was awarded ‘Story of the Year’.
  • Students compete in many sporting events. Each year a number of our students are chosen to represent Catholic schools in regional and state sporting events.
  • Our school has students chosen from Years 4-6 to attend STEM programs at Trinity Catholic College, Auburn.