Through the Family and Faith program, parents – as the first educators of their children – are invited into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the person of Jesus Christ.
Families are warmly welcomed to attend monthly Family Mass and Morning Tea. It provides an opportunity for students to be active participants in the Mass and for families and parishioners to connect and get to know each other after Mass.
Parents and carers are invited from the parish and school to join a welcoming and informal playgroup, providing an opportunity to ask questions, develop friendships and connect with each other.
Other opportunities include pilgrimages, outreach, prayer gatherings, parent workshops and links to the parish Sacramental programs.
Our Family Educator is a valued member of our school providing numerous faith building opportunities for our parents, school and parish. The program offers many ways for parents to connect with their faith and the faith life of our school. Initiatives include:
- Playgroup
- Prayer opportunities such as SPaR: Stop, Pray and Reflect
- Gift making to celebrate receiving the Sacraments
- Social justice initiatives including collection of food for St Vincent de Paul appeals, making sandwiches for the poor and night patrol
- Family Mass and morning tea